“We would like to share a powerful video from Rome, where we were able to share the message of Jesus and witness the power of the Holy Spirit bringing healing and deliverance to hundreds of lives”, the Argentinian evangelist Andres Bisonni posted on Facebook. He ministered the gospel in different countries in Europe.
“It is truly a privilege and responsibility to be able to share the gospel with so many lives around the world. We also just returned from Madrid, Spain where we saw over four thousand people attend the event. It is so amazing to witness this outpouring of God’s Spirit in Europe during our time”, he continued.
Fields ready for harvest
“Please keep us in your prayers as we minister in the Dominican Republic next week. Let’s pray for Jesus to be glorified and for lives to be saved, healed, delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit. It is time to lift up our eyes and look unto the fields for they are already white for harvest! (John 4:35)”
Watch the video here to see how European lives were touched by the power of God during Bisonni’s campaing: