Recently Dr. Sharon Stone was in Amsterdam for the European Prophetic Council. In a video she discusses with Dr. Arleen Westerhof, (co-lead pastor of the God’s Embassy church in Amsterdam, founder and facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council and co-leader of the European Prophetic Council) about how different prophets have said to have seen that war is coming next year. In the video Dr. Sharon Stone and Dr. Arleen Westerhof talk about things like: can this be avoided or did God in His sovereignty already purpose that this will happen? And what is our role as believers in all of this?
Dr. Arleen Westerhof: “Last year there was given a word by Chuck Pierce … He said: ‘Expect war in the spring time’. Now we saw that indeed in Russia and Ukraine war broke out, but we just came from some other meetings where there are internationally recognized prophets now who are saying that there will be war.”
Dr. Sharon Stone: “I believe that when God releases revelation, that there are a lot of reasons for revelation. One of them is that we halt calamity, one of them is that we halt crises, one is that we subdue deaths. I think when people look at war today, they are not asking: is there going to be war? They are asking: will there be a world war 3?
We know sometime in history there probably will, because we’ve read the book of Revelation that talks about wars and rumours of war. But we also want to limit it in our lifetime. If this is a season for the greatest harvest, we need laborers for the harvest. We want those people saved, we don’t want them dying on a battle field somewhere.”
War in the heavenlies
“I do believe we are in a warring season, but I prefer to war in the heavenlies rather than to war, not against flesh and blood, even though demonic powers use people, but we want to win that war there. How much we can win there and not see it on earth, I don’t know. We have to ask ourselves at this time: how much will happen and how much is needless and avoidable?
But never should I just hear prophets say: ‘Oh I welcome war, because God said so’. I think there has to be a humanity cry on the inside of us that says: ‘God, can we subdue this, can we lessen its impact, can we halt this?’ This is not a good time for prophets just to go: ‘I knew that was going to happen, isn’t that wonderful?’ No, our heart has got to cry out: is there a higher way to be able to deal with this? So when I think about war, I would always see what I could do in the spirit first.”
But does that mean that the Ukraine is not as spiritual as the rest of us, European nations? According to Dr. Sharon Stone we absolutely shouldn’t reason that way.
“There are still some things that are avoidable and there are still some things that are sovereign. Us prophets, don’t know it all. There will be mysteries, there will be secrets. There will be things that God keeps from us, because He doesn’t want the enemy to know either. There will be things that the Lord will let the enemy think he can get away with, just so he can raise up a standard and bring mass deliverance as well.”
Watch the video below to hear more about this from Dr. Sharon Stone and Dr. Arleen Westerhof: