Evangelist Victoria Osborn is traveling across Europe and sees signs, wonders and miracles everywhere she goes. Currently she is finishing up her time in the UK where she saw the Lord move powerfully. With a small team of evangelist she targeted the streets of London the last 3,5 weeks and saw about 250 people making a decision for Christ.
Victoria is amazed by the hunger of the Londoners for an encounter with God and sees God do extraordinary miracles. The Lord manifested himself through healing in her life before, but since she has been on European soil more profound miracles are taking place. It started in Rotterdam, the Netherlands where she saw a woman being able to walk after 20 years of inability. According to Victoria we are in a special season in Europe where God is moving powerfully.
Woman received healing after 9 years of Fibromyalgia
One of her favorite miracles recently is the healing of a woman suffering from Fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain in the body, fatigue and cognitive difficulties. The miracle took place on a Wednesday night at a small church in London. Victoria said she was an hour too late and was not really expecting much until she saw a woman playing keys in the worship band who had a sense this could be her night of restoration. The woman, who is a mom of three children, couldn’t stand without the help of crutches because of dizziness and difficulty in breathing. For 9 years she lived with these conditions and she wasn’t able to pick up her 18 month old daughter.
When the team prayed for her tears streamed down her face while she got set free from lies rooted in hopelessness. After replacing lies with the truth, the woman started to breathe deeply. She put down her crutches and started to run outside the building. When she came back she shouted: ‘I’m healed!’.
Before praying her family believed that her condition would always remain the same, but now her life is completely transformed. Now this woman is able to hold her kids, clean her house and make lunch for her family. God did not only restore her body, but He filled her with joy and faith to do miracles. The next day she sent the team to another woman in the hospital who was suffering from the same illness.
Healing is undeniable
You might question if healing is still for today, but Victoria wants to charge you with the following: ‘God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If God is a healer in the bible and we believe that He is unchanging, healing is undeniable! God doesn’t change His character!’ It’s time to kick lukewarm christianity out of the door. We cannot say Europe is hard ground when we see so many people being hungry to receive the gospel, which is followed by signs and wonders.
Step into the fullness of who you are
Evangelism bursts out of the overflow of the heart and is part of Victoria’s day to day life. She believes that God is specifically raising up powerful and anointed women next to her to lead the way in revival in Europe and watches believers living out who God created them to be. Maybe you read this and want to live a courageous life. Here is a question Victoria wants you to ponder: ‘What is the first step of obedience you can take? You can’t imagine yet what is on the other side of this simple beginning. Before you know you walk into the fullness of who you are!’
Victoria will continue her journey with a trip to Italy where she is invited as a guest speaker to equip and empower churches in evangelism.