Aliss Cresswell and her friends decided to offer ‘Healing or Blessing’, instead of ‘Trick or Treat’ during Halloween a few years ago. She shares on her Facebook about the many amazing things that God did that night.
She and her friends dressed up as nuns and went to one of the roughest roads in Blacon in the UK. They could share about Jesus already at one of the first doors they knocked on, and the lady who opened the door gave her life to Jesus. “We prayed for quite a few people on their doorsteps – I think about 7 asked Jesus into their lives,” Aliss shares.
The group also prayed and prophesied for people on the streets. Four teenage girls who were watching came up to them, after which Aliss and her friends prayed for forgiveness and for the Holy Spirit to come into the girls’ lives. Aliss concludes: “What a great night. Thank you Jesus!”
Read the full story in the Facebook post below: