Rogier Andes, who founded the Dutch foundation SEND together with his wife Willine, recently reached out in the streets of Zottegem, Belgium to share the gospel. “Many young people heard about Jesus for the first time”, he shares.
“At a certain moment I was surrounded by a group of 20 youngsters. I told them Jesus loves them. I asked if somebody had pain. One guy had pain in both of his knees. He couldn’t bend his knees well and was not able to kneel down.
I asked if he wanted me to pray for the pain to go away. After I prayed in Jesus’ name he was hesitant and said: ‘I will check it at home later’. I challenged him to find it out immediately. Then he literally fell on his knees… without any pain! He stood up and looked so surprised; he had no clue what was happening.
Another boy said: ‘This is a setup isn’t it? I’m sure you guys know each other’. But no, I had never seen him before. I told the boy however: ‘There is someone else who knows your friend very well and that is Jesus. He just showed him how much He loves him’. After hearing this, two other boys suddenly showed up. They both had painful wrists and asked for prayer. Again the pain left.
“Jesus is amazing, His love is never ending and His love never fails!”, Rogier concludes. “Please pray for Belgium. This country needs Jesus!”